Monday, February 11, 2013

Journal of Kalamitee Wolfsmoon - page 37

At last, I have time to put quill to paper. The last six months have been filled with long hours of training and meditation. The High Clerics here, at The Moon's Haven Guildhall, have gone through extraordinary feats to assist me in expanding my knowledge of the Arcane. While it is exciting to learn new spells and absorb the knowledge these Elders are willing to share, I will be happy to be done with my training so that I may find a quiet place to retreat. Who knew that Holy Men could talk so much and for so long, debating the most minute detail of religion and faith. Thankfully my Eladrin heritage helped me "participate" by sitting in the back corner mediating yet listening enough to answer up any questions that may be thrown my way.

How I miss the wilderness too! The trees at night with the moon streaming through the leaves, the sounds of the owls, wolves and other creatures prowling at night. I've been holed up in this city too long, the stench has become unbearable. Even at night sitting high a top the Guild House has done nothing to help clear the odor from my senses though it has allowed me to watch the comings and goings of the city folk, and what a queer lot they are. I've also seen the comings and going of my travel companions, well most of them. The Ranger called Alek, left the city a week after our training began to spend time out in the wild with the Elders Game wardens, and just returned this morning, which makes me wonder if our training is coming to an end.

I still have a bit of distrust for the Tiefling Warrior, Zerkorza. I have not forgotten how she left us tied to the tables at the Caverns of the Cult of Bane. It will take a large feat of redemption on her part to regain my trust, though I do venture to say that she has been training hard. Many nights while I sat upon the roof to feel the wind through my hair and the moon on my skin, I could hear the clash of steel and the shouts of combat from the Warriors Hall along with the calls of triumph and victory as well as those of defeat. One night I Fey stepped over to watch the battle, and while she may be small, Zerkorza is not to be underestimated in her prowess and it not afraid to best the biggest and strongest warriors.

That leaves the Rogue, Morobunce. He is quite the interesting quarry, sneaking out and about about the city well after the masses have retired for the evening. I'm certain that not all of his adventures have been training exercises though. One evening I saw him sneaking out of the Rogue's Hall, scaling down the drainpipe of the building, intrigued, I followed him via the roof tops where I found him sneaking down a back alley way to meet up with a shadowed figure and do his bidding, almost like he was playing a fool instead of being his usual thief self. These actions of course made things about the Halfling Thief not only more interesting, but also made me quite wary of him and his secrets that he kept enveloped in his mind. As I was preparing to depart, I noticed another figure heading towards that same alley way; a Tiefling doing his best to sneak through the city and hid the fact that he wore the robes of an apprentice Wizard. The Tiefling made his way to the figure and engaged him in conversation, for a moment I thought that he might recognize Morobunce as the Tiefling's gaze seemed to linger on him, almost as if he had seen him before. I tensed in my hiding spot wondering if the scenario might be a test of the Thief's skills or if an altercation was going to take place. I relaxed once I realized that the Tiefling was only there to procure some wine and a pouch of tobacco. Upon completion of the business transaction, the three went about their business and I returned to my room at the Guildhall to get some much needed rest.

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